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Regional Office for Arab States Photos
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1 - 10 of 14 titles
IMG#843 - Slum Upgrading - Urban actors from various UN Agencies, international and local NGOs, Community Based Organizations and local authorities at a Planning meeting in Nairobi,, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009, 118 Kb, Copyright: UN-OCHA
IMG#842 - Slum Upgrading - Mr. Alioune Badiane, UN-HABITAT and Ms. Jeanine Cooper, UN-OCHA address urban actors during the planning meeting's morning session in Nairobi,, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009, 92 Kb, Copyright: UN-OCHA
IMG#771 - Waste Disposal - A blocked sewer drainage in Old Fadama, Accra,, Accra, Ghana, 2005, 165 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT
IMG#770 - Water and Sanitation - Young girls draw water from a borehole in Burkina Faso,, , Burkina-Faso, 2007, 900 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT
IMG#769 - Water and Sanitation - A boy carries water in a basin on his head-Douala,, Douala, Cameroon, 2005, 61 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT
IMG#505 - In poor countries such as Malawi bicycles play a vital role as a means of transport for both goods and traders., , Malawi, 2007, 466 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT
IMG#504 - Despite a bleak future Gift Longwe continues his work at the quarry stone, , Malawi, 2007, 724 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT
IMG#502 - Informal settlements,, , Madagascar, 2008, 555 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT
IMG#501 - Floods in Congo town,, , Liberia, 2008, 478 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT
IMG#500 - A shanty town in a slum of Monrovia,, Monrovia, Liberia, 2007, 412 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT
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