Safer Cities Cameroon is a component of the Urban Governance Programme that UN-HABITAT executes in the country with support from UNDP and other partners. The Safer Cities component started off in Yaoundé and was extended to Douala in 2003. There are plans to extend support to the cities of Bamenda and Maroua during 2005. |
Location:Yaoundé |
Branch: |
Partner: UN-HABITAT |
Donor: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Cameroon |
Theme: |
Cost: |
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Urbanisation |
Total Population: 15m |
Urban population: 50% |
Slum to urban population: 67% |
Annual population growth rates: |
Urban: 4% |
Slum: 5% |
(2001 estimates) |
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Slum Indicators |
% urban population with access to: |
Safe Water Source: 82% |
Improved sanitation: 55% |
Sufficient Living area: 89% |
Durable Housing: 81% |
(2001 estimates) |