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Strengthening the Habitat Partner University (HPU) Initiative
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Project description

.This proposal is intended to strengthen the operations of the Habitat Partner University Initiative and to increase its potential for yielding desired results by implementing the recommendations forwarded through the recent study commissioned by UN-HABITAT. Its immediate expected accomplishments include i) the establishment of a clear governance structure, institutionalizing the Habitat Partner University initiative within the Universities and UN-HABITAT ii) the development of a well defined, time bound action plan for the Habitat Partners Universities initiative to be delivered within the MTSIP period , and iii) the creation of an active interaction, learning and synergy facilitated through documenting and sharing of HPU practice, moderated e-discussion and revamped communication strategy.
Location: Global
- Shelter and Sustainable Human Settlements Development Division
- Training and Capacity Building
Partner: Habitat Partner Universities
- Urban Development and Management
- Training and capacity building
Budget: USD 77,000
Received/Pledged: 2011

Focus Area(s)

- FA1: Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnerships
- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance


 The Habitat Partner University (HPU) initiative promises to advance the sustainable urbanization agenda of UN-HABITAT through education, research, capacity building and knowledge management. It is one of the pillars of the Sustainable Urban Development Network (Sud-Net). So far, there are ten active University partners in the initiative who have been formally engaged with UN-HABITAT through Letters of Exchange and MoU. There are many others who requested to join the HPU initiative and are in discussion.  The HPU initiative aims to bridge the gap between education, research, policy and practice and promote sustainable urbanisation in education.  A 2008 study commissioned by UN-HABITAT confirmed that research and training priorities are not in line with the emerging priorities for sustainable urban development and made a case for an HPU like initiative where universities as well as cities work together to bridge the divide between research and practice.  Further, a recent study on the future of the HPU recommended the development of a governance structures for the HPU initiative, a work plan which is negotiated with each partner university based on it’s competence, resource and commitment, and also to use effective tools for mapping and communicating the needs, opportunities and services which the HPU initiative can address and offer


  • To Bridge the gap between education, research, policy and practice and promote sustainable urbanisation in education.
  • A clear governance structure to institutionalize the functioning of the Habitat Partner University initiative
  • A strengthened, tangible partnership arrangement for the HPU partners through a well defined, time bound and agreed action plan, to be delivered within the MTSIP period
  • Proactive interaction between HPUs and between HPUs and UN-HABITAT programmes facilitated through communication and outreach tools

Target group

Habitat Partner Universities, other Universities and cities in which UN-HABITAT is engaged.

If you may be interested in funding this project, please contact us: info.rmu@unhabitat.org
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