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Strengthenning the democratic performance of urban river basin organizations in Mexico
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Project description

The project aims to support greater democratisation and social inclusion in urban river basin organisations by building greater institutional and socio-political capacities for an authentic, democratic and inclusive multi-stakeholder governance. The project will focus in assisting government to engage in an institutional development and capacity building process, with special emphasis in strengthenning capacities for multi-stakeholder planning, alternative conflict resolution and consensus-building.
Location: 3 pilot small-sized urban river basins in Mexico
- Water, Sanitation and Infrastructure
Partner: National Water Commission of Mexico, CONAGUA, Local Authorities of the 3 selected project localities, Civic Colaboration Centre (member of Partners for Democrtic Change), Mexican Institute of Water Technologies (IMTA)
- Public participation
- Environmental Planning & Management
- Water and Sanitation
Budget: USD 350,000

Focus Area(s)


In Mexico river basin organizations were created by the State to manage water resources in a participatory and inclusive manner. Still, there are important limitations in terms of democratic practice and social inclusion. The CONAGUA is, therefore, interested in strengthening multi-stakeholder governance of river basing institutions through institutional re-design and capacity-building processes oriented at building greater capacities for meaningful multi-stakeholder planning, alternative conflict resolution and consensus-building processes.


  •  Engage in a thorough institutional design and socio-political analysis of the democratic performance of three (3) selected urban river basin organizations.
  • Implement a capacity building processes in specialized topics, including: multi-stakeholder planning, alternative conflict resolution and consensus building processes.
  • Produce policy recommendations to strengthen the democratic performance of river basin organisations at a national level and also to upscale and replicate the capacity-building process. 

Target Group

  • River basin organisations (including all their government, social, private, academic member organisations and interested citizens)

If you may be interested in funding this project, please contact us: info.rmu@unhabitat.org
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