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Improving Water and Sanitation in Mafalala Neighbourhood
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Mafalala neighbourhood is one of the oldest informal settlements in Maputo and it is located in a low area affected by underground and pluvial waters. In close collaboration with the Mafalala community and the City Council, water and sanitation project will provide public water points, improve sanitation, maintain good drainage conditions, set up an effective waste management within the neighbourhood, as well as conduct related capacity building. All activities complementing on-going interventions on drainage system and road network are carried out by the City Council.

UN-HABITAT’s project goal in Mafalala is to improve living conditions in Mafalala by addressing some of the population’s primary needs in a participatory context, in line with the Target 10 and 11 of the Millennium Development Goals.

Location: Maputo, Mozambique
- Water, Sanitation and Infrastructure
Partner: Maputo City Council, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Municipal Directorate for Water and Sanitation (DMAS) National Directorate for Water Affairs (DNA)
Donor: HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund
- Water and Sanitation

Project Objectives

Under the coordination of the Maputo City Council and in liaison with the National Directorate for Water Affairs (DNA), the project aims at ensuring, with the active participation of the resident community, that sustainable and self-supporting measures are put in place to fulfill the following main objectives, all targeting the most vulnerable community groups of Mafalala Neighbourhood, in particular women and children, as to:

  • Facilitate access to safe drinking water;
  • Reduce sanitation risks by increasing the number of latrines and public lavatories;
  • Maintain good drainage conditions;
  • Set up an effective and sustainable waste management system;
  • Strengthen local capacity and health awareness.

UN-HABITAT is supporting the following activities in Mafalala:

Pro-poor water and sanitation governance framework

UN-HABITAT WAC II will support the establishment of pro-poor governance frameworks in the peri-urban communities involved to induce follow-up investment that can be targeted at scaling up successful micro-scale interventions. This would involve a vertical integration of community level water management and/or governance structures with local governance/utility level structures to facilitate appropriate uptake. The context of the Maputo Water Rehabilitation Project provides a good opportunity to pilot the UN-HABITAT and the World Bank work on Pro-poor water and sanitation governance framework in the Laulane, Mahotas and Hulene peri-urban communities of the city.


UN-HABITAT WAC II will complement the Maputo Water Supply Rehabilitation project component on the promotion of low-cost sanitation technologies (in the poor informal settlements) through participatory approaches. This complementary support will focus on the provision of appropriate on-site sanitation facilities taking into account various technological options as for example

  • Introduction of alternative sewerage schemes
  • Low cost on site sanitation provision
  • These would further be complemented with appropriate marketing approaches such as
  • Encouragement of micro scale enterprises for the provision of sanitation facilities
  • Encouragement and support for innovative sanitation management measures including income generation activities in sanitation for these low income areas.

Water supply

An opportunity exists under the project to focus on ensuring judicious use and conservation of water supplies to informal urban areas of Hulene, Laulane, Mahotas and Mafalala. This would complement and facilitate sustainable access to the poor in these informal settlements communities. Examples of potential areas that could be supported by UN-HABITAT under this area include:

  • Introducing water demand management measures in these peri-urban areas. The approach will be to encourage the establishment of and strengthen WDM units into the management structures at the local level and introduce relevant demand responsive and demand management strategies at that level.
  • Encouragement and support to small scale informal water providers, water kiosks and the creation of water vendor associations.
  • Vertical integration between the formal and non-formal water sector.

Solid Waste Management

Under this component WAC II will support and complement the introduction of small-scale solid waste management and disposal schemes. Community members would be trained under the programme to be involved with the local management of waste collection and disposal.

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Education

Awareness creation and behavioural change processes and education programmes in schools and communities on water and sanitation, involving improved personal hygiene for the people would be supported by UN-HABITAT. In this context, the UN-HABITAT values based water education for schools initiative will explore modalities for integrating of water issues into school curricula in Mozambique (Maputo), as well as the construction of water and sanitation facilities and water classrooms, in identified pilot schools.

Training and Capacity Building

UN-HABITAT will involve water and sanitation staff from Maputo in the WAC II training programmes as part of technical Assistance component to help build their capacity in the sector.

City Manager Contact
Emilio Muchanga
Head of Sanitation Department
National Directorate for Water Affairs
Av. 25 De Setembro 942
6 – Andar Maputo,
Tel: 258 1 307 189
Fax: 258 1 314555
E-mail: muchangades@teledata.mz

UN-HABITAT Programme Manager
Jaime H. Comiche
Rue Fransisco Barreto,
322 Maputo. Mozambique
Tel : 258 1 49 14 09
Email : jaime.comiche@undp.org

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