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Pipeline Projects
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Pipeline projects are UN-Habitat planned activities that require committed funding. They are identified in UN-HABITAT’s regional areas of operation and of a wide-range. They can be broadly classified under focus areas of UN-HABITAT’s Medium-Term Strategic and Institutional Plan.

Focus Area
Cost of Project (USD)
Strengthening the Habitat Partner University (HPU) Initiative
- FA1: Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnerships
- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance
USD 77,000
Gender Equality
- FA1: Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnerships
USD 4,510,000
Capacity development for cities in Asia and the Pacific to increase resilience to
- FA1: Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnerships
- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance
- FA4: Environmentally sound basic urban infrastructure and services
USD 205,000
Asia & Pacific
Development of E- learning course on Sustainable Urbanisation
- FA1: Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnerships
- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance
- Focus Area Themes
USD 80,000
Capacity Building for local Participatory Planning, Budgeting and Gender Mainstreaming Programme in Mozambique, Senegal and Congo D.R
- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance
USD 1,000,000
Africa & Arab States, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mozambique, Senegal
Building Prosperity through Neighbourhood Development
- FA5: Strengthened human settlements finance systems
USD 1,000,000
Enhancing the Contribution of Local Authorities and their Partners towards achieving the MDGs through Capacity Building of Local Government Training Institutes
- FA1: Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnerships
- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance
USD 687,200
Support to the Province of Gangwon's International Urban Training Centre (IUTC)
- FA1: Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnerships
- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance
- FA5: Strengthened human settlements finance systems
USD 1,180,850
Asia & Pacific, Republic of Korea
Strengthening County Institutional Capacity for Service Delivery in Liberia
- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance
USD 600,000
Africa & Arab States, Liberia
Strengthening the Habitat Partner University (HPU) Initiative
- FA1: Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnerships
- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance
USD 77,000
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