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Fifth session of AMCHUD kicks off in Chad  
N’Djamena, 25 Feb 14
The fifth session of the African Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development (AMCHUD) began in the Chad capital on Tuesday.
UN-Habitat to participate in building of Kenya’s newest city  
Machakos, Kenya, 28 Jan 14
UN-Habitat is one of the partners that have been invited to participate in the development of the proposed Machakos City, the first ever urban centre in Kenya to be built from scratch.
Partnership towards Energy Efficiency buildings in East Africa  
Nairobi, 19 Dec 13
romote academic capacity building and knowledge transfer for energy access, efficiency and low-carbon technologies in the field of sustainable housing.
UN-Habitat and Burkina Faso signUrban Country Programme Agreement  
Ouagadougou , 8 Nov 13
UN-Habitat on Monday signed a three-year Country Programme Agreement with Burkina Faso to support their efforts to manage urbanization.
Secretary-General’s message on World Habitat Day  
New York, 7 Oct 13
Cities must boost efforts to become more resilient to natural disasters as well as provide their citizens with methods of alternative transportation to thrive, senior United Nations officials said today.
Dr. Joan Clos's message on World Habitat Day  
Nairobi, 4 Oct 13
On the occasion of this year’s World Habitat Day, the Executive Director of UN-Habitat Dr. Joan Clos has called for improved accessibility and mobility in urban areas for more efficient of the world’s cities and towns.
African, Caribbean, Pacific countries adopt Kigali Declaration on Sustainable Urbanization  
Kigali, 10 Sept 13
Ministers, Mayors, government officials and civil society organisations in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries have pledged to increase their political will to develop and implement integrated strategies for sustainable urban development. French
Rwanda Prime Minister calls for collaboration on Slum Upgrading  
Kigali, 6 Sept 13
The Prime Minister of Rwanda, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Pierre Habumuremyi has called on African, Caribbean and Pacific countries to work towards improving the living conditions of people in cities by adopting a jointly developed Declaration and Action Plan, which would help them to achieve well-coordinated urban development and manage the challenges of rapid urbanisation in a sustainable manner. French
Conference on Sustainable Urbanization begins in Kigali  
Kigali, 4 Sept 13
The Second International Tripartite Conference on "Sustainable Urbanization as Response to Urban Poverty Eradication" opened on Tuesday 5th September in Kigali, Rwanda with a call on nations and development partners to rise to the challenge of unsustainable urbanisation as the international community articulates the global post-2015 development agenda. French
Youth at Kigali slum upgrading conference  
Kigali, 2 Sept 13
Representatives of Rwanda’s youth community are attending an important tripartite conference in Kigali this week to contribute to global plans on sustainable urbanization for poverty eradication.French
UN-Habitat calls for more participation in slum upgrading plans  
Nairobi, Kenya, 29 Aug 13
UN-Habitat has held the first consultative workshop on new opportunities for slum upgrading with better governance through a Participatory and Inclusive Land Readjustment (PILaR) tool.
UN-Habitat joins Future Policy Modeling Consortium  
Europe and Nairobi, 1 Aug 13
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) has become a member of Future Policy Modeling (FUPOL), a research consortium funded by the European Commission that aims to create a comprehensive informational communication technology model to support public policy design and implementation.
Dr. Clos holds talks with the mayor of Accra  
Accra, 20 May 13
UN-Habitat Executive Director Dr. Joan Clos on Friday paid a courtesy call on the mayor of Accra Alfred Okoe Vanderpuije during which they discussed issues of mutual interest. French
Engaging slum dwellers as partners  
Nairobi, 2 May 13
The involvement of slum dwellers as partners and not beneficiaries was identified as one of the main recommendations that help to empower communities as well as strengthen the effectiveness of participatory slum upgrading processes.
African slum dwellers get boost to improve living conditions  
Nairobi, 18 Apr 13


Thousands of slum dwellers from eight African countries will gain access to a fund to help them improve their housing conditions. 
Regional Training and Exchange Workshop for the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP)  
Port of Spain, 12 Mar 13
A regional training and exchange workshop on the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP) is being held from 12th to 16th March in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
Africa, Caribbean Pacific ambassadors receive update on slum upgrading  
Brussels, 4 Feb 13
Progress and achievements of the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme were shared with ambassadors from Africa, Caribbean and Pacific states participating in the Sub-Committee meeting on Political, Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs on 4 February 2013.
Slum dwellers learn how to “e-participate” in Mtwapa, Kenya  
Mtwapa, Kenya, 29 Jan 13
Community members of the Mtwapa informal settlements met on the 23rdJanuary to launch a pioneering e-participation tool for participatory slum upgrading. French
Rabat Declaration on Making Slums History adopted  
Rabat, 4 Dec 12
The Rabat Declaration on Making Slums History was unanimously adopted by country delegations at the closing of the international conference held in Rabat, Morocco late November.
Burkina Faso, Kenya and Niger provide funds for slum upgrading initiatives  
Nairobi, 4 Oct 12
In order to support the implementation of tangible actions that will help in the improvement of the living conditions for slum dwellers, Burkina Faso, Niger and Kenya recently made financial contributions to the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme. French
Countries’ contribution to the Italian Red Cross at WUF  
Naples, Italy, 6 Sept 12
As the World Urban Forum came to a close, countries participating in the Slums Divided by Two exhibition (Slums ÷ 2) donated 280 Jerricans to the Italian Red Cross Red Crescent. French
Global slum upgrading programme moves into high gear  
Naples, Italy, 5 Sept 12
UN-Habitat this week announced the implementation of its Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme in member countries of the Brussels-based Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group (ACP) thanks to the support of the European Commission. French
Tackling slum problems in Zambia  
Lusaka, 1 Aug 12
The Zambian government last week invited a broad range of experts, central and local government officials and community representatives to discuss new ways of dealing with the country's slum problems. French
Cape Verde Engages Citizens in Territorial Planning and Urban Development  
Praia, Cape Verde, 20 Jul 12
The Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP) inspired 22 municipalities to target and mobilize Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) for territorial planning and urban development. French
Zambia Urban Housing Profile Launched  
Lusaka, Zambia, 11 Jul 12
The Zambian Urban Housing Sector Profile was launched last week by the Minister for Local Government and Housing Prof. Nkandu Luo. French
Eight more countries join the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme  
Nairobi, 13 Apr 12
Eight African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries have been selected to join the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme, bringing the total number of participating countries to 37. Benin, Botswana, Lesotho, Rwanda, and Togo from Africa were selected, along with St. Lucia from the Caribbean and Tuvalu and Vanuatu from the Pacific. FRENCH
Islamic Development Bank support for UN-Habitat programmes  
Holy Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 2 Feb 12
The President of Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah, Ahmed Al-Madani, last week announced the Bank's interest in supporting UN-Habitat's Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme and the Palestine Housing Programme. FRENCH
Better cities, better life in Malawi  
Lilongwe, 2 Feb 12
The cities of Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Zomba last week launched Urban Profiles highlighting the priorities for improving life in all four centres of the southern African nation. FRENCH
Mauritius completes first phase of urban profiling  
Port Louis , 28 Dec 11
Mauritius recently completed the first phase of urban sector profiling, in the capital city of Port Louis, Beau Bassin town and Black River district. FRENCH
Malawi’s Mzuzu City Council launches urban profile  
Mzuzu, Malawi , 20 Dec 11
Representatives from national government, local authorities, civil society, research institutions and media recently gathered for the global launch of the 'Mzuzu City Council Urban Profile'. FRENCH
European Commission sends monitoring mission to UN-HABITAT project  
Nairobi, 20 Dec 11
The European Commission (EC) was in Nairobi from 24-28 October 2011, to review the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP) implementation process as well as to discuss extended activities for the year 2012. The EC has so far given 4 million Euros to the programme. Additional resources are ear marked for the year 2012, to implement tangible response initiatives. FRENCH
UN-HABITAT project in Ghana awarded for positive impact  
Accra, 19 Dec 11
A UN-HABITAT slum upgrading project in Accra, Ghana has received accolades for the positive impact it has made on the life of the beneficiaries. FRENCH
Regional Exchange Forum for Municipalities on Slum Upgrading in Africa  
Dakar, 17 Oct 11
Thirty five participants drawn from various francophone countries from Africa recently gathered in Dakar Senegal to discuss slum upgrading issues. FRENCH
Regional exchange platform unveiled for ACP countries  
Accra, Ghana, 21 Sept 11
Cities participating in the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP) will benefit from a series of regional exchange forums seen as a concrete step towards the actualization of repeated requests for African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to tap into each other's potential and experience. FRENCH
Sustainable Urban Development through the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme in African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries  
Nairobi, 13 Apr 11
"The Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP) process is not an end to all urban poverty, but an important contribution and a process to be complemented by other poverty alleviation programmes," said one country representative at the PSUP Side Event. FRENCH
Partnership for sustainable urban development and poverty reduction in ACP countries  
Kinshasa, 1 Dec 10
Kinshasa Parliamentarians all agreed on the need to focus more on urban development due to growing cities and growing urban poverty.
New European funding for slum dwellers  
New York, 24 Sept 10
The European Union (EU) this week announced that it will provide new funding to the tune of euros 10 million (USD 13.3 million) to help improve the living conditions
Urban Poverty alleviation receives top priority in Rio  
Rio de Janeiro, 23 Mar 10
The Slum Upgrading and Prevention networking event, held at the 5th session of the World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro, brought together more than 90 country representatives to discuss the results, challenges and successes posed by slum upgrading and prevention. The event was attended by representatives from the three programme regions, Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP), and the tripartite partnership consisting of the European Commission, the ACP Group of States and UN-HABITAT.
From Profiles to Action Planning  
Naivasha, 16 Nov 09
“One in every two Pacific Islanders is an urban resident, if Papua New Guinea, the largest island in the Pacific is excluded from the count,” explained Max Kep, a member of the Papua New Guinea country team; an honorary member to the Action Planning workshop for Phase II countries.
UN-HABITAT, UN-OCHA discuss strengthening collaboration on urban vulnerability  
Nairobi, 29 Oct 09
“Every second Kenyan urban resident lives in a slum,” said one of the speakers at the Planning meeting convened jointly by UN-HABITAT and UN-OCHA on strengthening coordination and advocacy for appropriate response to urban emergencies in Kenya. “In Nairobi, 60% of the urban residents live in slums while these slums cover only 5% of the residential land area,” he added.
Urban Profiling workshop conducted in Fiji  
Nadi, 17 Oct 09
A five-day urban profiling workshop was conducted in Fiji by UN-HABITAT’s Regional Office for Africa and the Arab States, the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and the Training and Capacity Building Branch.
Urban Profiling Workshop held in Jamaica  
Kingston, 14 Aug 09
A four-day urban profiling workshop was conducted in Kingston, Jamaica by UN-HABITAT’s Regional Office for Africa and the Arab States and the Training and Capacity Building Branch, with support from the University of West Indies (UWI).
EUR 4 million for poverty reduction in 90 cities  
Nairobi, 18 Feb 08
The European Union and UN-HABITAT have signed an agreement that will see 90 municipalities in 30 countries improving living conditions in a sustainable way.
UN-HABITAT and Zambia  
Nairobi, 5 Dec 07
Mrs. Tibaijuka received the new Permanent Representative to UN-HABITAT from Zambia on 5 December 2007. She told the new Zambian envoy, Ms. Christina Msadabwe, that UN-HABITAT was involved in the Sustainable Lusaka Programme
Training for better cities in Nigeria  
Abuja, 20 Nov 07
UN-HABITAT conducted an urban management course for Nigerian ministers, municipal officials and other experts last week to help 12 specially selected cities improve their urban governance as part of a programme finance by the Urban Development Bank of Nigeria. The idea is to conduct rapid surveys in each city aimed at helping them identify problem areas and then finding the best solutions.
The Lusaka Urban Sector Profile published on the web now  
, 24 Sept 07
Additionally to the Zambia Urban Sector Profile, the Lusaka Urban Sector Profile is completed and published on the web now. The profile reflects results of the city and national consultation that were conceived as a partnership platform, co-developed with the Ministry of Local Government and Housing, the Lusaka City Council, the Ministry of Finance, CARE International, Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company Ltd., parastatal organizations such as the National Housing Authority, and the non-governmental organization Zambia Low-Cost-Housing-Programme.
Three Egyptian City Profiles published: Tanta, Rosetta and Menouf  
, 22 Aug 07
For the first time, city profiles that include the new Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for Sustainability (RUSPS) themes: Basic Urban Services and Local Economic Development were published. Additionally, one of the profiles contains a seventh theme, Cultural Heritage, because of its high relevance for Rosetta.
Jordanian cities benefit from UN-HABITAT training  
Jordan, 30 May 07
Three Jordanian cities recently benefited from a specialized UN-HABITAT training seminar aimed at making them run more efficiently.
Spain funds UN-HABITAT project in 3 African Countries  
Nairobi, 19 Mar 07
The Government of Spain has committed new funding of US$592,000 for UN-HABITAT's Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for Sustainability (RUSPS) programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique and Senegal.
Egyptian urban sector profiles published  
, 30 Jan 07
Egypt, one of the first RUSPS countries, has published three of its urban sector profiles for phase 1 of which there are six in total. The published profiles cover the cities of Menouf, Rosetta and Tanta and add ‘basic urban services’ as well as’ ‘local economic development’ as new themes to the existing four.
      An initiative of the ACP Secretariat, funded by the European Commission and implemented by UN Habitat : Une initiative du Secrétariat ACP,financée par la Commission européenne et mise en oeuvre par ONU-Habitat
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