Nairobi, 15 Dec 09
UN-HABITAT this week announced a new drive to raise awareness in African cities about climate change problems so that proper mitigation and adaptation plans can be put in place. A pilot programme for local authorities will start in five cities – Mombasa (Kenya), Kigali (Rwanda), St Louis (Senegal), Walvis Bay (Namibia), and Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso).
Dubai, 13 May 09
Twelve lucky winners from around the world were this week each handed a USD 30,000 cash prize, a gilted wind tower and a certificate for their work in promoting a better urban future in a glittering ceremony marking the seventh Dubai International Award for Best Practices.
Kisii, Kenya, 27 Nov 08
The Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Initiative hosted a three day Training - of - Trainers workshop in Kisii, Kenya from 25-27 November 2008 to equip participants with basic skills in low cost water quality testing.
Dubai, UAE, 24 Nov 08
An independent international jury, chaired by Ms. Banashree Banerjee of India, has announced the winners of the 2008 Dubai International Awards for Best Pactices to improve the Living Environment.
Dakar, 10 Jun 08
The mayor of Dakar, Senegal, Mr. Pape Diop, has called on leaders of African cities to invest more in infrastructure and public services to boost the municipal economies.
Dakar, 7 Apr 08
Top officials from the government and civil society bodies gathered in the Senegalese capital, Dakar last week to launch a national participatory budgeting programme designed to give the public at large a greater say in government and municipal spending.
Nairobi, 19 Mar 07
The Government of Spain has committed new funding of US$592,000 for UN-HABITAT's Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for Sustainability (RUSPS) programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique and Senegal.
Dakar, 28 May 04
UN-HABITAT’s Global Campaigns on Secure Tenure and Urban Governance were launched in Senegal this month after extensive preparations over the past two years.
Dakar, 25 May 04
A Training of Trainers workshop in Values-based Water Education was held in Dakar, Senegal from 12-14 May 2004 to show education experts from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Senegal the most appropriate approaches to introducing water, sanitation and hygiene into the existing school curriculum.