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Urban Economy and Financing Shelter Photos
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IMG#1938 - Informal economy- Front face of a shop selling televisions in Awka, Awka, Nigeria, 2008, 150 Kb, Copyright: Golam Kamal
IMG#1936 - Construction and maintenance of roads in Awka, Awka, Nigeria, 2008, 155 Kb, Copyright: Golam Kamal
IMG#1935 - Street vending in Awka, Awka, Nigeria, 2008, 166 Kb, Copyright: Golam Kamal
IMG#1934 - Informal economy that supports the livelihood of urban residents in Awka, Awka, Nigeria, 2008, 218 Kb, Copyright: Golam Kamal
IMG#1656 - Greening by Community, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Togo, 2010, 21 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT
IMG#1527 - A younger girl operating grocery shop at Ushafa village in Abuja, Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria, 2011, 150 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT/Julius Mwelu
IMG#1313 - Wara the dairy product on display on Ikeja Road, Lagos, Nigeria, 2009, Lagos, Nigeria, 2009, 273 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT/Julius Mwelu
IMG#1310 - A woman selling ‘WARA’ a local Nigerian dairy food on a Lagos Street 2009, Lagos, Nigeria, 2009, 307 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT/Julius Mwelu
IMG#965 - Fishermen in action at Jamestown, Accra., Accra, Ghana, 2010, 164 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT / Julius Mwelu
IMG#964 - A fisherman carry their fishing net off the boat at Jamestown, Accra,, Accra, Ghana, 2010, 163 Kb, Copyright: UN-HABITAT /Julius Mwelu
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