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24th Sessions of the UN-Habitat Governing Council: Sustainable urban development: the role of cities in creating improved economic opportunities for all, with special reference to youth and gender

Sustainable urban development: the role of cities in creating improved economic opportunities for all, with special reference to youth and gender
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371 - 380 of 486 titles
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Pro-Poor Urban Water and Sanitation Provision: how can it be supported by participation, benchmarking and WOPs
22 Aug 11 - 22 Aug 11
World Water Week
21 Aug 11 - 26 Aug 11
Stockholm, Sweden
2011 World Water Week
21 Aug 11 - 21 Aug 11
Stockholm, Sweden
Gizo City Consultation
17 Aug 11 - 19 Aug 11
Gizo - Western Province, Solomon Islands
The World Habitat Day celebration. Conference debate with partners in the field of urban governance and climate change. Debating team composed of: Ramanantsoa Serge, and Gérard Andriamanohisoa.
16 Aug 11 - 16 Aug 11
Workshops for validation of the studies of West Management.
16 Aug 11 - 16 Aug 11
Mobilization & launch Implementation in cities at country level
1 Aug 11 - 1 Dec 11
Rapid Urban Profiling in Nigeria (3 Cities - Onitsha, Karu and Ifako/Agege) in Lagos – Nigeria
Workshops in East Africa on Disaster Management and Risk Reduction.
1 Aug 11 - 30 Sept 11
Review of Programme methodology and evaluation in 30 ACP participating countries
1 Aug 11 - 31 Dec 11
30 countries in Africa, Pacific and Caribbean
African Urban Youth Assembly
26 Jul 11 - 28 Jul 11
Abuja, Nigeria
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