Commission on
Human Settlements

13 May 1999


Seventeenth session
Nairobi, 5-14 May 1999
Agenda item 4


Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Drafting Committee

The Commission on Human Settlements,

Recalling resolutions 51/175 of 16 December 1996 and 53/179 of 15 December 1998 of the General Assembly on countries with economies in transition, in which the Assembly confirmed the necessity fully to integrate those countries into the world economy,

Recalling also its resolution 16/4 of 6 May 1997 on countries with economies in transition,

Taking note of the desire of countries with economies in transition further to develop regional and interregional cooperation,

Recognizing the need for assistance in improving housing legislation and reform in the housing sector,

1. Invites the Executive Director fully to take into account the needs of countries with economies in transition in the course of developing strategies and programmes of cooperation with them on the basis of provisions of the Habitat Agenda, in particular, paragraphs 202 (c) and (i); 1/

2. Requests the Executive Director to continue, with due regard to the needs of countries with economies in transition, to pay special attention, inter alia, to

    (a) Improved management of the development of human settlements, by employing modern monitoring according to the international system of city and housing indicators;

    (b) Standard-setting and elaboration of up-to-date provisions and norms which define city quality indicators;

    (c) Promotion of access to international financial organizations of the United Nations system and to other financial sources in the state and private sectors;

    (d) Promotion of exchange of experience in resolving problems of reform of the city economy and of the governance of human settlements;

    (e) Initiating and implementing specific technical assistance projects in accordance with the Habitat Centre’s normative role and work programme and budget for countries with economies in transition, as requested in Commission resolution 16/4 of 6 May 1997 on countries with economies in transition;

3. Requests the Executive Director to report to the Commission at its eighteenth session on the implementation of the present resolution.

1/    Report of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), Istanbul, 3-14 June 1996, (A/CONF.165/14, chap. I, resolution 1, annex II.
