Commission on
Human Settlements

10 May 1999


Seventeenth session
Nairobi, 5-14 May 1999
Agenda item 15


Draft proceedings of the Commission on Human Settlements
at its seventeenth session

Rapporteur: Mr. Hossein Fadaei (Islamic Republic of Iran)


B. International cooperation for the implementation
of the Habitat Agenda
(Agenda item 7 (b))

 A. Introduction

1. Introducing the report of the Executive Director on international cooperation for the implementation of the Habitat Agenda (HS/C/17/6), the representative of the Acting Executive Director explained that, in preparing the document, the Centre had obtained the input of several countries, associations of local authorities, non-governmental organizations and representatives of the private sector. He summarized the main issues contained in the document as:

  1. The mobilization of adequate resources to promote participative mechanisms for the implementation of the Habitat Agenda and to bring the Agenda to the forefront of Governments and development agencies;
  2. The revival of the mandate of UNCHS (Habitat) to monitor the implementation of the Agenda;
  3. The two global campaigns on secure tenure and urban governance;
  4. Advocacy for direct international assistance to local authorities;
  5. The coordination of operational activities supported by international development agencies;
  6. The promotion of new regional forums; and
  7. The preparation of an agenda on this issue for the special session of the General Assembly in 2001 for an overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the Habitat Agenda.
B. Discussion

2. After the brief introductory statement by the secretariat, delegations from several countries, United Nations system agencies and representatives of non-governmental organizations and the private sector expressed their appreciation for the report and recommendations made to the Commission. Recognition was given to UNCHS (Habitat) initiatives to cooperate with various stakeholders, including local authorities, civil society, the private sector and international development agencies. Some delegations outlined their respective activities and experiences in international cooperation in the implementation of the Agenda.

3. Reiterating that the implementation of the Habitat Agenda was the primary responsibility of national and local governments and their partners, different delegations stressed the need for a commitment from all stakeholders in sharing the burden of financing the implementation of the Agenda. The need for decentralization in decision-making and in financial resources to foster the role of local authorities in identifying and implementing local policies was also underlined.

4. Some delegations suggested that the issue of international cooperation should be strongly addressed by the Commission at its eighteenth session and by the Economic and Social Council and that emphasis should be given to dialogue with the private sector, particularly in regard to innovative sources of finance for housing and urban development. A suggestion was made to expand the horizon of international cooperation. One delegation observed that the Centre's new strategic vision did not include international cooperation. It suggested that international cooperation should involve all partners and that the funding base of UNCHS (Habitat) should be broadened to bring in all countries and the private sector.

5. Other delegations stressed the importance of the UNCHS (Habitat) regional offices for international cooperation to implement the Habitat Agenda and as an interface between the Centre and developing countries.

6. One delegation called for more international assistance to war-torn communities and their vulnerable populations, particularly widows and children. A number of delegations expressed serious concern about the continued decline in official development assistance (ODA) and suggested that the Habitat Agenda recommendation for 0.7 per cent of gross national product (GNP) should be met.

7. Non-governmental organization groups expressed their concern about not directly accessing international donor funding, consonant with commitments made at Istanbul. The view was expressed that the issue of gender equity was yet to be adequately addressed. One delegation underlined the need for reliable and credible information on human settlement issues and situations and called for wider publicity and dissemination of the Habitat Agenda, so that it could be better known by all stakeholders.

8. In their statements, UNDP and ECA affirmed their continuing cooperation with UNCHS (Habitat) in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda. It was pointed out that guidelines had been provided to resident coordinators of the United Nations system to guide them and the countries which they represented in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda. They pledged their support for the preparation of the special session.

9. The secretariat, in response to the comments of delegations, outlined its cooperation and collaboration with various international partners, including United Nations system agencies, bilateral and multilateral organizations, as well as its various activities in promoting and advancing international cooperation. The network of partners in the collection, collation, analysis and dissemination of information and in the development of the system of global and local urban observatories, urban indicators and best practices was explained.
