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Engendering Disaster Management in Africa-A Review of Policy and Design in Africa
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What is the relationship between disaster management and gender? This review attempts to address this question through a focus on the development and implementation of disaster management policy in the African region. The review will provide recommendations for governments, civil society and international agencies on the effective development and implementation of gender sensitive disaster management policy based on lessons learned from the African region.
Partner: UNISDR
- Gender
- Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation
- Natural and man-made disasters

What is the relationship between disaster management and gender?
This review attempts to address this question through a focus on the development and implementation of disaster management policy in the African region. The review will provide recommendations for governments, civil society and international agencies on the effective development and implementation of gender sensitive disaster management policy based on lessons learned from the African region.

The review is part of a broader strategy of UNISDR and UN-HABITAT’s Disaster Post-Conflict and Safety Section to bring greater focus to gender issues through all disaster management activities. In recognition of the importance of policy as a guide for the implementation of sustainable strategies for disaster mitigation and response, this review will emphasize gender in disaster management policy development in Africa. As such, a policy review will underpin the study, examining specifically what substantive references are made, if any, to gender issues, and women in particular, in all policy related to disaster management at the national level in the region. In order to deepen the review, a case study on the experience of Kenya in disaster management in both policy and practice has been undertaken, and other case studies throughout the region are ongoing.

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