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Korogocho slum upgrading project
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Project description

The project aims at improving the living conditions of the korogocho informal settlement in Nairobi, through an integrated and participatory approach focusing on physical, economic and social improvements. The project will be implemented in coherence with the objectives and methodology set up within the overall framework of the korogocho slum upgrading programme, a joint initiative of the Government of Italy, Kenyan Government and UN-HABITAT, benefiting from the organizational structure already in place at the government and community level, resulting in a better coordination, faster and efficient implementation.
Location: Korogocho Informal settlement - Nairobi
- Regional Office for Arab States
Partner: Government of Kenya ,Nairobi City council, Korogocho Community based organizations, Nairobi water company, Normative support from different UN-HABITAT branches and units ,University of Nairobi
- Training and capacity building
- Slum / human settlements upgrading
- Natural Resource Management
- Water and Sanitation
- Housing finance
- Safe cities
- Social Inclusion
- Millenium Development Goals (MDG)
Budget: USD 1,200,000

Focus Area(s)

- FA2: Promotion of participatory urban planning, management and governance
- FA4: Environmentally sound basic urban infrastructure and services


Under the framework of the KSUP, UN-HABITAT has already finalized a comprehensive situation analysis of Korogocho and a sustainable integrated development plan (SIDP) guiding the upgrading implementation is expected to be completed by beginning of september.Based on the outputs from the situation analysis,  in line with methodologies and best practices experienced by UN HABITAT, the SIDP will propose specific action plans aimed at contributing to improvements at physical, economic and social level. 


  • Improving the living condition of the korogocho redidents.

Target group

  • Korogocho Residents with priority for disadvantaged groups



If you may be interested in funding this project, please contact us: info.rmu@unhabitat.org
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