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About Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnerships
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Effective Advocacy, monitoring and partnerships are vital for achieving sustainable urbanization and urban poverty reduction which at the forefront of national development policies and strategies. Advocacy will play key role in order for Habitat Agenda Partners to recognize the importance of addressing the issues of urban poverty. Effectiveness of advocacy provides accurate, timely and state of art information that translated into knowledge- to disseminate as policy advocacy on urban issues. Efforts in bringing attention to national policy and legislative debate on sustainable urbanization can also be complemented with improved monitoring of urban conditions and trends at the global to national levels and having strategic partners involved in the formulation and implementation of urban policies and practices.

Effective partnerships are strategic in a sense that amplify catalytic role of UN-HABITAT and they provide significant contribution for going to scale. Partnership among countries and among all actors within countries from public, private, voluntary and community based organizations, the corporative sector, non-governmental organizations, key demographics such as women, youth and individuals are essential to the achievement of sustainable human settlement development and the provision of adequate shelter for all and basic services (Istanbul Declaration and the Habitat Agenda, page 17, Nairobi 2001).

In managing the implementation of FA1, all sections, division and regional offices and divisions of UN-HABITAT will play a vital role in advocacy, monitoring and partnership strategy. As a result the agency will provide extended support to regional, national and local authorities along with the partners to achieve the sustainable urbanization through evidence-based research and knowledge.
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