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Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme in ACP Countries
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Project description

This programme aims at building capacities at local and national levels to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries through slum upgrading policy development and implementation of pilot projects. Phase One diagnoses needs through Urban Sector Profile Studies. The approach is based on EC guidelines, elaborated by UN-HABITAT and implemented in 12 African countries during 2004-05. A further 18 ACP countries will undertake the diagnostic phase and all participating countries will exchange experiences. Phase Two focuses on feasibility studies in slums identified in Phase One. Regional policy seminars and capacity-building workshops will cover issues of sustainable slum upgrading (governance, social and economic development, and the environment). Follow-up capacity building and policy development action plans will be developed. Phase Three will implement action plans in a total of 60 ACP countries.
- Regional and Technical Cooperation Division
- Regional Office for Arab States
- Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
- Regional Office for Latin America and the caribean
Partner: 30 governments, more than 60 cities
- Slum / human settlements upgrading
Budget: USD 6,048,000

Focus Area(s)

- FA3: Promote pro-poor land and housing


To contribute to urban poverty reduction policy development through an urban sector profile study – a rapid assessment of needs and capacity gaps to be addressed at local, national and regional levels.
To enhance regional, national and local dialogue in sustainable slum upgrading policy development; to build technical capacities in slum upgrading; to undertake feasibility studies for slum upgrading in the 12 countries which completed Phase One with the aim of establishing implementation activities.
To contribute to the strengthening of national/local policy, institutional, legislative, financial, normative and implementation framework reforms; to build institutional capacities; to implement pilot slum upgrading projects in selected countries.


Urban profiling (Burundi, Cape Verde, Republic of the Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Nigeria, Uganda, Antigua & Barbuda, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands)
  •  Finalizing reports of first batch of urban profiles (30).
  • Introducing and tailoring study.
  • City profiles (45 cities).
  • National profiles (18 countries).
  • Regional analysis (three).
  • Printing and dissemination.

Feasibility studies and capacity building (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, D.R. Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania, Zambia)

  • Implementation strategy.
  • Three policy seminars.
  • Six capacity-building workshops.
  • Stakeholder mobilisation.
  • Surveys and analyses.
  • Feasibility reports and action plans.
  • Regional conference.

The programme will deliver three types of results:

  • Urban sector profile studies/reports (18 national, 45 cities).
  • Policy recommendations and action plans in countries where political support is provided by central and local authorities.
  • Regional slum upgrading policy development, capacity building, feasibility studies and action plans in selected countries.

Target group



If you may be interested in funding this project, please contact us: info.rmu@unhabitat.org
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