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Korogocho Slum Upgrading Programme
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Project description

The Korogocho slum is the fourth largest informal settlement in Nairobi. The Korogocho Slum Upgrading Programme seeks to upgrade Korogocho Slum in order to improve the living and working conditions of residents. This will be achieved through coordinated support to the community to provide the residents of Korogocho with security of tenure through an appropriate land tenure system and to prepare and implement improvements of the physical, economic and social living conditions of the Korogocho communities. The implementation of improvements and provision of services is through a consultative process involving all key stakeholders. Essentially it combines technical assistance, community mobilisation and organisation, as well as capital investment and ensures partnerships between the community, the Government and the private sector.
Location: Korogocho
- Regional Office for Arab States
Partner: Government of Kenya, Korogocho community, CBOs/NGOs
- Slum / human settlements upgrading
Budget: USD 230,000

Focus Area(s)

- FA3: Promote pro-poor land and housing


The scope of this project in Korogocho involves activities singled out in key thematic areas which form a holistic, sustainable and integrated strategy.These key thematic areas are the physical (land, housing, planning and infrastructure), social (health, education, recreation, vulnerable groups, safety and security), economic (employment and income generation), and institutional which involve capacity building of partners involved. The last thematic area is environment which looks at the solid waste disposal and overall waste management. The main strategy is to work with and through existing institutions at the local and national levels, thereby ensuring ownership of the process and sustainability, transferring knowledge, building capacity, and developing local resources.


The long-term objective of the programme is to improve the quality of the living environment of the people and enhance their socio-economic welfare through participatory planning and management of the upgrading process in line with the Millennium Development Goals.

Target group

The government of Kenya and the residents of Korogocho

If you may be interested in funding this project, please contact us: info.rmu@unhabitat.org
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