The Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) is providing technical and financial support to the All India Institute of Local Self Government (AIILSG) to implement the environmental planning and management (EPM) process in solid waste management in selected cities in the State of Maharashtra, India. The lessons of the two pilot cities would then be up-scaled through AIILSG financial and technical support to more cities/towns in the State of Maharashtra. The SCP process will initially be implemented in two Class I cites as demonstration cities. The selected demonstration cities have shown considerable administrative initiative and political commitment to improve the urban environment. This has been reflected in their efforts to improve the system of waste collection and transportation through community involvement and initiate measures to process and dispose of the waste scientifically
Main activities include:
- Translation of SCP tool kits into the local language;
- Selection of the pilot cities;
- Holding preparatory meeting and setting up inter-sectoral core group and cell;
- Environmental profile of the selected cities;
- Profiling of Good Practices India-Wide;
- City level workshop on the solid waste management to guide the action plan;
- Study tours for experience sharing;
- City Consultations for preparation of the action plan.
Solid waste management action plans for the State of Maharashtra and two pilot cities - Panvel and Virar - have been prepared.