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Experiences and lessons of the implementation of Sustainable Cities Programme in Tanzania
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Partner: Governments: Government of the United Republic of Tanzania
Local Authorities: City Authorities of Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, and three other municipalities
Institutions: University College of Land and Architectural Studies, University of Dar es Salaam
International Organizations: ILO, UNDP, UN-HABITAT
Cost: US$79,850
The Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) in Tanzania was launched in 1992 as the Sustainable Dar es Salaam Project and came into full operation as a demonstration project in 1993 under the co-ordination of the Dar es Salaam City Commission. One of its main objectives was to strengthen the capacity of the City Council to better plan, co-ordinate and manage the sustainable growth and development of the city, and replication to other municipalities. This was implemented through participatory processes, in partnership with the public, private and popular sector, using the environmental planning and management (EPM) approach. Today, the Sustainable Cities Programme in Tanzania operates under the programme title "Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Urban Development in Tanzania", co-ordinated by the President's office: Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG). Documenting experiences and lessons of the implementation of Sustainable Cities Programme in Tanzania is concerned with lessons learned and experiences of the Sustainable Cities Programme in Tanzania. The programme funding for two major phases was provided by UNDP and partly by UN-HABITAT and ILO and executed by UN-HABITAT. In a bilateral follow-up initiative, DANIDA is currently providing funds directly to some of the participating municipalities. Since the novelty of the EPM approach lies in the opportunities for constant learning and sharing of experience, the successful documentation of the experience will provide a good basis and reference resource for the newly institutionalized national support unit in PORALG, will set a model for future similar interventions and will allow for the sharing of experiences nationally and globally.
The main activities will be carried out by national institutions such as the University of Dar es Salaam and will include, among others, synthesized lessons of experience (both at national and local levels) with summaries of examples and source references, comparative and analytical issue-specific documentation on one typical issue of common municipal concern, development of a toolkit to support strategic urban development planning through EPM, based on the experience of Dar es Salaam, and preparation of an inventory of existing spatial and text information and published and unpublished mimeographs by topic, year and other attributes. These will be discussed and debated at the "Dar + 10" event as the basis for a new SCP national phase.
  • A report on application of EPM in Tanzania has been completed.
  • A system for applications of EPM in basic urban services has been institutionalized.
  • A long-term strategy on how to support local authorities to apply EPM in sustainable basic urban services has been developed.
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