UN-Habitat Executive Director Joan Clos, on Monday launched the Global Network on Safer Cities.
The role of the network will be to advocate for urban safety and local crime prevention all over the world.
“It gives me great pleasure to officially launch this Global Network on Safer Cities,” said Dr. Clos. “Safer Cities has been organising and promoting regional and international debates on urban crime prevention within its international network of partners, which has resulted in the creation this Global Network.”
The Global Network will be a reference for local, national and regional authorities to address the current and future challenges cities are facing. The network intends to target multiple countries and selected cities and resort to an inclusive coalition of stakeholders enhancing urban safety. This will contribute to the exchange of knowledge and experiences on urban crime and violence prevention among cities and citizens, transform societies to be more inclusive and participatory, and encourage a culture of crime prevention.
“Safer urban spaces are what we are all aiming for,” said Marcelo Ebrard, Mayor of Mexico City, who will take on the role of Chair of the Steering Committee for the Global Network on Safer Cities. “Cities all over the world are supporting this initiative and it is time for mayors to deliver. We will deliver and get results in gaining safer cities for us and our children.”
Meanwhile, the Executive Director on Tuesday signed a statement of cooperation with Ms. Margareta Wahlström , the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction. The agreement will see the two agencies work closer in the area of disaster reduction. |