Habitat III General Update 23.02.2014
Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements (1976)
Resolution A/RES/56/206 (2002)
The Habitat Agenda Goals and Principles, Commitments and the Global Plan of Action (2003)
The Habitat Agenda: Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements (2006)
Resolution A/RES/66/282 (2011)
Resolution A/RES/66/207 (2012)
Resolution A/RES/67/216 (2012)
HSP/GC/24/2/ Add.3 (2013)
HSP/GC/24/14 (2013)
/downloads/docs/Habitat III_General Update_23.02.2014.pdf
WUF 7, Columbia
Getting ready for Habitat III
World Urban Forum 7
UN-HABITAT & Post-2015
Im a City Changer


' Habitat III ' is the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, to take place in 2016. This was decided in G eneral A ssembly Resolution 66/ 207. Resolution 67/216 decided on modalities, preparatory activities and format of the conference.

It will be one of the first global conferences after the Post 2015 Development Agenda. It is an opportunity to discuss and chart new pathways in response to the challenges of urbanization and the opportunities it offers for the implementation of the sustainable development goals. The conference promises to be unique in bring ing together diverse urban actors such as governments, local authorities , civil society, the private sector, academic institutions and all relevant interest groups to review urban and housing policies affecting the future of cities within an international governance architecture , with a view to generate a 'New Urban Agenda' for the 21st centur y which recognizes the ever - changing dynamics of human civilization. Read more...

Guide on National Habitat Committees (NHCs): Purpose and Composition

Guidelines and Format for the Preparation of National Reports: On Six Key Topics, Thirty Issues and Twelve Indicators
A Manifesto for Cities: Toward a Global Urban Agenda for Habitat III
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