
Nominate a Best Practice

Name of the Best Practice: *
Year: *
City / Town / Village: *
Region: *
Country: *
Has this initiative been
submitted previously?
Previous Title:
Previous Year Submitted:
Address of the Best Practice: Including street, P.O. Box, City/Town, Postal Code, Country, Telephone, Fax and Email addresses. N.B. Please ensure country and city-codes are provided for telephone and fax. Please Note that the address should be provided in the sequence given above *
Name of Contact Person *
Email of Contact Person *
Type of Organisation of
the Best practice
Summary In no more than 300 words, summarise the objectives and achievements of the initiative. Please note that the summary should be in narrative and not in point form.
Key Dates Provide no more than five dates that are significant to the initiative and for each date describe in no more than five or six words its significance. *
Level of activity *
Eco system *

Once you have filled details on all the sections, please click on the "Post this Nomination for Award" at the top of the page.

Please observe the word limits specified overall under each headings. Use the following headings and suggestions to describe your work.

Situation Before the Initiative Began: Describe the situation before the initiative began. What major problems and issues needed to be addressed in the area? What approximate population size within what approximate geographic area? What social groups e.g. women, youth, ethnic minorities, were affected and in what ways? [50 WORDS] *
Establishment of Priorities: List the priorities of the initiative. How was prioritization done and what groups were involved? Please specify leadership and gender specific roles where appropriate. [100 WORDS] *
Formulation of Objectives And Strategies: Provide a summary of the main objectives and strategies of the initiative, how they were established and by whom. Please specify any gender specific objectives and strategies. Describe policies and strategies adopted for city-wide development, where applicable. [100 WORDS] *
Mobilisation of Resources: Describe how financial, technical and human resources were mobilized and where they came from including any form of bilateral and/or multilateral assistance. Specify key actors (including community/women’s groups), organisations or institutions that were/are responsible and accountable for managing the resources. [200 WORDS] *
Process : Describe the problems faced in implementing the initiative, how were they overcome, and the problems that remain to be solved. Describe also how people (men and women), communities, organisations and institutions participated in the initiative. Describe how people, communities and organisations participated in decision making processes and what their inputs were, with regard to basic needs, civil rights and/or policies. Provide a summary of tools, methods, and/or benchmarks that were used for assessing performance, who is using them and how often. For example: report cards, joint assessments etc. Weekly, monthly etc. [400 WORDS] *
Results Achieved : Describe to what extent the objectives listed above were realised, how the impact was measured, quantitatively and qualitatively and who benefited and how. Describe how the initiative has resulted in. [250 WORDS] *
Sustainability : Describe how the integration of the social, economic, environmental, institutional and cultural elements of sustainability was achieved, particularly with regards to Financial, Social and Economic, Cultural, Environmental and Institutional. [300 WORDS] *
Lessons Learned : Describe the three or four most important lessons learned and how these lessons have been or are being incorporated in your initiative and/or other initiatives. Describe any lessons learned from other initiatives that were incorporated into your initiative. Describe how these lessons learned have been or are being taken into consideration in determining ongoing or future policies, strategies and action plans for example, what would you do differently or avoid doing in scaling up or transferring your experience? [300 WORDS] *
Transfers : a)Transferability: Describe how your initiative has benefited from the experience or expertise of other practices. Describe how your initiative could be replicated. If the process of replication has commenced, please indicate when and by whom
b)Transferred Best Practice: This applies only to those who are submitting their practice specifically for one of the two awards earmarked for best practice transfers. Describe how the transfer was initiated and by whom, purpose of the transfer and what the transfer involved (staff exchanges, study tours, ad hoc technical assistance, etc.), resource and financial implications involved in the transfer including staff time, travel, transfer of funds, software or technology, etc, results or impact of the transfer in, for example, changes in policy, management tools and methods, lessons learned from the transfer and what you would do differently in the event of future transfers
[400 WORDS]
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